• Our school uses EduPage school information system. Login with your account to see grades, your timetable, current substitutions, check your homework and daily plan for the next day.
      • Check also EduPage mobile application available for Android and iOS devices. Get all the information from our school directly to your mobile.

      We are a part of United Science Colleges, Sulaymaniyah.
        • Caring
        • At USIS, we strive to provide a caring learning sphere. Therefore, our students learn how to show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
        • Integrated
        • At USIS, we provide an integrated curriculum. Therefore, our students connect different areas of study by cutting across subject-matter lines with love of learning and emphasize unifying concepts. They focus on making connections and engage in relevant, meaningful activities that can be connected to real life.
        • Principled
        • At USIS, we strive to instill universal moral values. Therefore, we ask our students to act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities.
    • News

      Find out what is new in our school
        • Timetable

        • 19/10/2020
        • View or print your current timetable. The school has not published the timetable yet.
        • Timetable: Read more
        • Substitution

        • 19/10/2020
        • View the daily substitution changes to your timetable. The school has not published the substitution in the last 30 days.
        • Substitution: Read more
        • User accounts

        • 19/10/2020
        • For some parts of timetable or substitution, you may need to login. If you lost your password, please use the link “I do not know the login name or password” and type in your email. If you haven’t received the password yet, please wait, the school will provide you with one when everything is the ready to go.
        • User accounts: Read more
    • For students and parents

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    • School anniversary

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